Accomplishing the Things that Are Truly Vital

By Dan Nielsen

September 24, 2014

Essentialism (from book cover)

In our day of massive information overload—24/7 everything, everywhere, all the time—it becomes increasingly difficult for leaders and all team members to focus on the truly vital and what is most important.

In chapter one of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, author Greg McKeown tells the story of an executive facing this very situation. But by changing his habits and his behavior to become more selective, and by focusing only on that which was truly most important, the executive became far more effective.

“Instead of making just a millimeter of progress in a million different directions, he began to develop tremendous momentum towards accomplishing the things that were truly vital.”

Within our massive information overload, we hear lots of talk, and see lots of articles regarding the need to become more selective and more focused on what is truly most important. But as everyone knows, ‘talk is cheap.’

If you take a careful look at the root cause of failure among those leaders, those teams, and those organizations that fail, you will almost always find a lack of selective, very careful, consistent focus.

How about your leadership, and the leadership of each person on your team and in your organization? Is there a lack of selective, very careful, consistent focus?

If so, today is the day to begin developing tremendous momentum towards accomplishing the things that are truly vital! ‘Talk is cheap.’ Take action—now!

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About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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