A couple of years out of high school, I had a job that I absolutely hated. The environment was everything a personal, professional, and organizational development and growth environment should not be!
I did not stay long, but long enough to never, ever forget the terrible, degrading, negative-driven environment in which I worked. Even though I absolutely hated that job and that environment, it has proven to be a major motivator and inspiration for the success I have enjoyed throughout my career.
Are there people within your organization who dislike their jobs and the environment in which they work? John Maxwell recently published a blog titled: “Is Your Environment Holding You Back?” Early in his career, Maxwell found himself in a job with an environment that did not encourage personal and professional growth. In fact, just the opposite!
In his frustration, Maxwell realized that he knew what a bad environment looked like and felt like, but he did not really know what a true growth environment looked like and felt like. So, he sat down and created an excellent list of characteristics to look for when seeking a growth environment.
The important question is this: have you created an outstanding personal and professional growth environment for those who work with you and throughout your organization? Are you constantly endeavoring to improve that outstanding personal and professional growth environment?
I encourage you to read Maxwell’s article for more in-depth information on this critical leadership topic. I also encourage you to lead discussions regarding the critical characteristics of a growth environment, and yes, mandate such discussions throughout your organization as to your current status regarding each of these critical characteristics and how each and every member of the team can contribute to improvement.
The 10 critical characteristics that Maxwell listed are as follows:
- Others are ahead of you.
- You are continually challenged.
- Your focus is forward.
- The atmosphere is affirming.
- You are often out of your comfort zone.
- You wake up excited.
- Failure is not your enemy.
- Others are growing.
- People desire change.
- Growth is modeled and expected.
I encourage you to read Maxwell’s brief comments regarding each of these 10 critical characteristics. Again, the article can be found by clicking here.
Have you created an outstanding personal and professional growth environment for those who work with you and throughout your organization? Are you constantly endeavoring to improve that outstanding personal and professional growth environment? How are you doing regarding each of the critical characteristics John Maxwell lists in his article?