The Difference Between Ordinary and Extraordinary

By Dan Nielsen

May 8, 2014

Image courtesy of Viktor Hanacek of picjumbo
Image courtesy of Viktor Hanacek of picjumbo


We all love the extraordinary. Extraordinary is a word used to describe those things in life that take us by surprise and infuse a moment with just a little bit of magic.


You might smile and tell your mother that her pot roast is wonderful, or mention to a coworker that the concert last night was great, but when you use the word extraordinary, you communicate something more. You communicate a sense of wonder and gratitude for an experience that exceeded all expectations and put a smile on your face and a flutter in your soul.


We’ve all had at least a few extraordinary experiences. It might have been a vacation adventure of a lifetime, a perfect first date, a delicious meal, or an incredible music performance. We’ve also met a few extraordinary people. Maybe a teacher who has invested in your child, a grandparent with rock solid character, or an employee who goes above and beyond all expectations. Whatever or whoever it may be, the extraordinary strikes a chord that resonates with each of us.


So what does it take to turn an ordinary moment into an extraordinary experience? Or what does it take for an ‘ordinary’ person to become an extraordinary one—whether it’s as a friend, employee, parent, or leader?


John Maxwell puts it like this: What’s the difference between ordinary and extraordinary? Well, the word “extra” signifies something additional that’s outstanding and surpasses the usual expectations.” Maxwell goes on to explain what’s needed for a person to make the leap from ‘ordinary’ to ‘EXTRAordinary:”


If ordinary people
 gave a little extra effort, 
spent a little extra time, sought a little extra help, 
possessed a little extra realism, made a little extra change, 
exercised a little extra thinking,
 showed a little extra attitude, and
 did a little extra planning…
 they would become extraordinary!”


How about you, are you ready to put a little ‘extra’ into your life? Don’t settle for being ‘ordinary.’ Seek to become extraordinary!



To read John Maxwell’s full article on being extraordinary, please click here.


About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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