“What are you becoming?” This is a critical question every leader should frequently ask him or herself—and answer in detail. This is also a question every leader should frequently ask each and every direct report and team member.
Not only is the question critical to achieving your potential and reaching your personal and professional goals and dreams, it is critical to the future of your direct reports, your team, and your organization! Just as important, very seriously and frequently asking this question sets an important expectation and will dramatically and positively impact the culture of your team and your organization.
Frequently and very seriously asking yourself, your direct reports, your team, and your entire organization this critical question will result in the following:
- Every person within your entire organization will quickly come to understand that this critical question is a high priority to be seriously considered and answered, if a person—regardless of their title or level within the organization—is to remain a part of and succeed within your organization.
- Asking and seriously answering this question will dramatically and positively affect corporate culture throughout your entire organization.
- Your organization, and the people within your organization will succeed at a much higher level and rate than they otherwise would. Of course they will—they know what they are becoming!
- Many people throughout your organization, for the first time, will seriously and consistently think about, plan, and take serious, consistent, intentional and purposeful action regarding WHAT THEY ARE BECOMING.
I suggest you add this critical question, “WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING?” to the discussion of every annual or quarterly review and evaluation you conduct. And that you set a policy that this critical question will be discussed during every review and evaluation conducted throughout your entire organization. Not just in general, but specifically, the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of “WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING?”
You will be absolutely amazed at the results. I guarantee it!