I have long advocated the importance and effectiveness of focusing on your strengths instead of your weaknesses. I strongly believe that in order to achieve greater success, you should identify, improve, and leverage your strengths.
I think this is especially true in leadership. Leaders who leverage their strengths are much more confident and effective than those who worry about their weaknesses and fixate upon what they don’t do well.
Instead of trying to do well in everything, leaders should identify what they and their team do best, and leverage and build upon that. Author and speaker Jon Gordon recently wrote about this same concept on his blog. Gordon says,
“In a world that says you have to provide more choices, create more products, run hundreds of plays and be everything to everyone if you want to be successful, there is something very powerful about simplicity, clarity and leading with your strengths.”
He went on to share the same message I have repeated over and over: “You possess many weaknesses that you can choose to focus on. But I want you to know that you and your team will be at your best when you develop and lead with your strengths.”
Gordon gives great insights and examples of leaders and organizations that have developed and led with their strengths. I encourage you to read his full blog post by clicking here.
How about you? What are your strengths? What do you do best? Identify, improve, leverage, and lead with your strengths!