We’ve all been there. Whether it was at the office, in line at the grocery store, or while shopping for Christmas presents, we’ve all witnessed or experienced those moments when someone becomes rude, unreasonable, or downright mean. At the end of it we walk away shaking our heads, a little angry and maybe a little hurt, but mostly just saddened that people choose to treat each other like that.
And if we’re painfully honest with ourselves, then we have to admit that we’ve been ‘that person’ before. If you stop to think about it, you’ll remember that time when you experienced ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’ and you just snapped.
Whether it was the gum-smacking teenager who rolled his eyes when you politely complained about your messed up fast food order, or the woman who intentionally cut you in line at Wal-Mart when she thought you weren’t looking—someone or something pushed you over the edge and you lost whatever frayed patience you had left inside of you after a long day. It’s okay to admit it. We’ve all done it.
Moments like that are awful—whether you’re the victim, the witness, or the perpetrator. But there are other moments in life that make up for it. Moments that restore your faith in humanity. Moments when you witness or experience the blessing of people being good to people.
I’m sure you’ll agree that whether you’re the recipient, giver, or even just the witness of a good deed, it never fails to brighten your mood and your day. Being good to people doesn’t have to be an extravagant act of kindness; being good to people can be as simple as offering a friendly greeting and a smile to a stranger, or having a pleasant attitude in the midst of a frustrating situation.
What are some ways that you can intentionally be good to people today? I challenge you to go about your day today with “be good to people” in mind. See how many smiles you can bring. I promise, it will make a big difference in your day, and in theirs!