Quitting Gracefully – A Strategy for Success

By Dan Nielsen

October 24, 2013

Image courtesy of Zaid Al Balushi on Flickr
Image courtesy of Zaid Al Balushi on Flickr


While you might assume “quitting” isn’t found in the vocabulary of highly successful people, I believe there is significant wisdom in “knowing when to quit.” So what if you feel the time has come to move on from your current job, how do you “quit successfully?”


Dea Lawrence recently wrote a great article for imediaconnection.com on this very topic. In the article Lawrence shares and expands upon 10 tips for quitting your job with grace:


  1. Decide to leave in a state of awareness, not confusion
  2. Consider your “rights”
  3. Finish the negotiation process with your future employer before you give notice
  4. Once you have decided to go and before you submit written notice, have a conversation with your manager
  5. Give two weeks’ notice, no matter what
  6. Don’t use a job offer as leverage
  7. Disclose your new company when you give notice
  8. Be prepared to be walked out
  9. Create a turnover report
  10. Don’t parade around the office as if you’ve been exonerated from death row


Lawrence ends the article with this wisdom:


“It takes courage to shake up your life, make changes, and start anew. So before doing so, try to ascertain whether the new road you’re choosing is actually a better one. Ask questions. Then be sure to leave the party you are currently hosting with grace and gratitude, and move fearlessly forward.”


Great wisdom and excellent tips for greater success! If you’re considering leaving your current position, I strongly encourage you to read the full article by clicking here >>

About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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