I am an admitted news-junkie, avid-reader, and life-long-learner. I consume hours of news stories and dozens of articles every day, and I love it. I enjoy being informed, knowing what’s going on in the world, and – most importantly – learning new things.
I also have a lot of other things I want and need to accomplish each day, so I have to strike a balance between my news consumption and other activities. With everything on my to-do list, it’s critical that I remain productive and effective throughout the day. I’m guessing the same is true for you! Below are some of the things I find help energize me and “keep the juices flowing” throughout the day:
- Eat Brain Food. While I’m the first to admit that what I’m really craving is a big juicy burger from Five Guys Burgers and Fries, I’ve lived long enough to know that what I eat significantly impacts how I feel and how my body and brain perform. So a lunch of leafy greens, walnuts, avocado and fruit it is. My brain – and my waistline – thank me!
- Exercise Daily. I’ve heard that starting your day with a good workout will pump you up for the rest of the day, but for me personally, my sweet spot is early afternoon. Right when that after lunch energy lull is threatening to hit, I head to the gym. While I realize not everyone’s schedule is as accommodating as mine, I strongly recommend getting active for at least fifteen or thirty minutes in those early afternoon hours – the energy boost is absolutely worth it!
- Brainstorm New Ideas. Nothing gets me going better than a creative discussion with a colleague or a personal brainstorming session where I take lots of notes (usually as voice memos) about a new idea. If my brain is struggling to get into creative-mode, I go for a brisk walk. As soon as my blood gets moving, so do the creative juices. I am a big fan of walking meetings for just this reason (plus the added health benefits)!
- Reach Out to Someone. One of the simplest and most effective ways I’ve found to raise my energy levels is to do something nice in word or deed for someone else. Something as simple as complimenting a stranger, thanking a colleague, or giving a friend a gift never fails to lift my spirits, refuel my mind, and inspire me for the rest of the day.
How about you, what actions or activities energize you? Take some of these tips for success and leave a few of your own in the comments below!