What Have You Committed to Become?

By Dan Nielsen

March 1, 2012

Big thinkers, backed by integrity and big personal commitments, many times accomplish big, worthy results.


Take the case of Larry Potterfield, founder of a small company called MidwayUSA, located in Columbia, Missouri.  In 2009, MidwayUSA became the 18th small business to win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.


Now, Potterfield’s business continues to enjoy outstanding growth and profits, and he is invited to speak at business and leadership events all across America.


In an article in the February, 2012 Inc. Magazine, Potterfield boldly proclaims:


“We will be the best-run business in America!  And, we will share the Baldrige principles that made us that way with communities all across the nation, so that America will be the best-run country in the world.”    


Notice that the founder of this Baldrige Award winning small business did not say, “we intend” or “we will try” or “we are going to attempt” to be the best-run business in America.  No, he boldly said, “we will be the best-run business in America!”


Talk about an inspirational vision and mission.  Just a few of the many benefits of such a bold public commitment include recruitment and retention, as well as positive local, regional and national publicity.  Current and potential customers want to associate with, work with, and buy from people and organizations that have big, important, inspirational visions and missions, backed-up by big commitments to their worthy dreams and goals.


People and organizations want to partner and support those people and organizations that boldly proclaim,“we will,” and then go about getting it done.


So what about you and your healthcare organization?  What will you be in the future?  What will you boldly and publically commit to become in the future?  What have you boldly and publically committed to become?


Even if MidwayUSA is never judged to be the best-run business in America, Potterfield, his business, employees, colleagues, partners, current customers, and future customers have already won.  So have Potterfield’s community and all those who have and will learn from his business and leadership success, expertise and wisdom.


Because of his bold and public vision, mission and commitments, Potterfield and his organization are already big winners.  By continuing his bold and public vision, mission and commitments, Potterfield and his organization will continue to improve the lives of those they touch and serve.


So what about you and your healthcare organization?  What have you boldly and publically committed to become?

About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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