In this keynote (or WORKSHOP) based on my book, Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, I speak directly to leaders at all levels, providing insights, encouragement, and proven strategies to help participants become better, more effective inspirational leaders. Regardless of your current status, position, success and effectiveness as a leader, without exception, everyone can improve!
Drawing from the extensive research and real-life leadership stories within the book, as well as from my own personal experiences and insights gained over my forty-year career, I share relevant anecdotes and actionable strategies for leveraging your strengths and developing leadership excellence.
Introduction – I begin with a powerful call to action, reminding participants that everyone is a leader, and everyone benefits from inspirational leadership. I share a bit of my personal story, driving home the truth of inspirational leadership’s importance, effectiveness, and lifelong impact.
I then go on to explain that there is no definitive list of traits that are required of inspirational leaders, nor is there any such thing as a perfect leader. However, there are certain key characterstics most inspirational leaders exhibit:
- Accountability
- Authenticity
- Teachability
- Aproachability
- Responsiveness
- Flexibility
After defining, describing, and sharing real-life examples of each of these six characteristics, I go on to emphasize three more critical traits—better described as habits—practiced by inspirational leaders:
- Engaging others
- Inspiring others
- Empowering others
Each of these habits consist of specific strategies, such as building connections, creating vision, and facilitating growth. I explore these habits in depth, expounding on the specific strategies and giving participants the insights and tools they need to set off down the path toward success.
Conclusion – I end the presentation with a brief lesson on leveraging the power of habit to achieve results, and offer several tips for creating a personal success system for putting these strategies into practice.
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