Be An Inspirational Leader Workbook: Engage, Inspire, Empower (2024)
From book back cover:
In Be An Inspirational Leader Workbook, authors Dan Nielsen and Emily Sirkel have identified the most essential and impactful concepts drawn from the experience and expertise of dozens of highly successful leaders and their peers. To complement and enhance those key concepts, they have crafted dozens of questions and exercises designed to help you better process, reflect upon, and apply those insights and strategies. Careful study and application of the principles within this workbook will equip you to become a more effective inspirational leader who engages, inspires, and empowers people, improves organizations, and positively impacts the world!
What are you waiting for?

Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower
From book back cover:
What does it mean to be an inspirational leader? Contrary to popular belief, being an inspirational leader doesn’t require celebrity status, a rags-to-riches story, an impressive title, or even poignant speeches or newsworthy accomplishments. True inspirational leadership is more a matter of character than achievement, experienced by individuals on a personal level more than recognized by society on the world stage.
In Be An Inspirational Leader, author Dan Nielsen portrays the incredible impact of inspirational leadership on your personal, professional, and organizational success. He draws on the experience and expertise of dozens of highly successful leaders, sharing proven principles and strategies to help equip you to become a more effective inspirational leader who engages, inspires, and empowers people, improves organizations, and positively impacts the world.

Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums
From book back cover:
Drawing from his considerable leadership experience and personal familiarity with the United States Presidential Libraries and Museums, Dan Nielsen takes you on a journey through the life, times, and leadership of 14 former U.S. Presidents.
First exploring the libraries and museums that preserve the presidential legacies, Dan shares his personal experiences and photographs, giving you a tantalizing taste of these fascinating storehouses of American history. He then draws you deeper into the story of each president, providing historical narrative while taking a closer look at selected leadership strengths.
Ending with a powerful call to action and simple but effective Success System That Never Fails, Dan challenges you to select and apply the leadership strengths you most want to focus on and improve in your own life and organization.
“I strongly believe that leadership excellence is the ultimate strategy for personal, professional and organizational success. Why not learn from the United States Presidents?” – Dan Nielsen