Improving The Performance and Success of Those We Serve

By Dan Nielsen

March 8, 2012

Gene Kirtser

During a recent interview and discussion, I asked Gene Kirtser, President/CEO of ROi a wide range of questions regarding ROi’s role in improving the performance and success of those they serve. Gene will be presenting and answering questions at the upcoming Healthcare Supplier/Provider Institute meeting, April 9-10, 2012 in Las Vegas.

Kirtser’s 3 highest priorities are:

  1. “Setting a compelling vision that will allow ROi to achieve its mission.
  2. Talent Management – We want to create a culture that results in recruiting and retaining the absolute best talent in the world.  If you hire the right people, they will serve your customers extremely well.
  3. Communication that insures that our coworkers have a clear understanding of our vision and mission, our strategies, and probably most important, how their individual role fits within the larger organization and how their role aligns with the company’s vision and strategies.”

I asked Kirtser what makes ROi unique and special in his opinion.  His response:

We have a complete integrated model that includes distribution, manufacturing, consulting, and contracting.  These services can be brought in-house in order to extract significant value from them.  We want to work with and serve those healthcare providers who are truly committed to this model.  If a healthcare provider is not totally committed to this fully integrated model, then we are not their solution.  Proper selection, commitment and discipline are very important.”

I asked Kirtser to list 2 of the most important reasons ROi is recognized by Gartner “as one of the top three global supply chains in healthcare.”  His response:

“First again is our integrated model; it’s clearly industry unique, it clearly has delivered value. We produce a value report every year and that value report is validated by our CFOs across Sisters of Mercy.  The value report consistently shows that we deliver anywhere from $20-$30 million dollars of bottom line value to the organization every year like clockwork, and that’s fairly significant.  We have a laser-like focus on supply chain excellence and that’s what we are very good at.  We hire people who are true supply chain experts from industry and from providers.  We encourage them to push the envelope.”

“Second, what I think differentiates us in Gartner’s eyes is we are very transparent with the industry.  We build trusting relationships with stakeholders, with other providers, and with manufacturers and suppliers.  We very openly share.  We don’t try to hoard our processes or knowledge for ourselves.  We have a bigger goal of reforming the industry and we share a common goal of trying to move the industry forward.  I think Gartner sees us as somewhat different and unique from the rest of the marketplace.”

Kirtser spent 16 years in the healthcare supply industry with companies such as Baxter Healthcare, small startup organizations, private equity companies, and publicly traded companies.  During these years, he spent significant time in sales, marketing, operations and finance.  Kirtser has been with ROi in the healthcare provider industry for nearly 5 years.

Don’t miss Gene Kirtser’s presentation the morning of April 10, 2012 at the Healthcare Supplier/Provider Institute meeting in Las Vegas.  His presentation is titled Supply Chain is a Strategy, Not a Department. To learn more about this meeting please visit the website at

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About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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