Powerful Advice from Warren Buffett… One of the Most Respected Leaders of our Time

By Dan Nielsen

August 17, 2010

Warren Buffett wrote these high impact words.  “It has been an article of faith for me that I should always try to hang out with people who are better than I… There is no question that by doing so you move yourself up.”

If that strong article of faith is important to and critical for Warren Buffett, it is surely important and critical to you and me.

Think seriously about it. Answer this question honestly… do you hang out with people who are better than you?  “There is no question that by doing so you move yourself up!”

There are millions of people who are more competent than you and me… millions of people who do many things better than you and me. There is no shortage of people from which to select who have more wisdom or do things better than you and me.  Be extremely careful and conscientious in terms of who you befriend, who you select as personal and professional colleagues, and who you select to hang out with.

Warren Buffett wrote the following regarding his lifelong friend and highly successful business colleague Don Keough.  “When I’m with Don Keough, I can feel myself on the up escalator.  He has an optimistic view of me and what I am to the extent that he raises my sights and makes me believe more in myself and the world around me.  When you are around Don, you are learning something all the time.”

The Don Keoughs of the world comprise the priceless, uplifting personal and professional friends and colleagues we should all pursue!

Remember, we are ‘talking here’ about Warren Buffett, the second wealthiest man in America.  Warren has stood the test of time.  Growing up in Omaha, Nebraska with little money or other “success,” Warren is now considered by many experts to be one of the best, brightest and most successful business leaders in the world!

A ‘commoner’ who maintains a courteous, humble and kind personal and professional manner, Warren Buffett has his values and priorities precisely in order, and he does not deviate from them.  He is comfortable with ‘common folk’ in a coffee shop or bowling alley in Omaha… and he is comfortable meeting with and advising the President of the United States and other senior governmental and business leaders and investors around the world.  When Warren Buffett speaks or writes, millions of people from around the world carefully read and listen!  And so should both you and me.

Warren Buffet’s advice regarding “who we hang out with” is not unique.  Virtually all highly successful people, regardless of their field of endeavor, agree with Warren because they have developed the experience and wisdom to know it works.  They also know this enduring success principle works in the reverse.  Hang out with people who are less competent, less committed, less prepared, less willing to do the hard work to become and remain successful… and you will find yourself becoming more and more like them!  There is no question that by doing so, you move yourself down!

It is an everlasting principle and fact of life that we become like those people with whom we closely associate and like those people with whom we spend significant time.  It is up to you, me and every other human being to chose whether we will leverage this everlasting principle to help take us up, as Warren Buffett has chosen to do, or whether we will allow this everlasting principle to help take us down.

Hang with those who are more committed, more competent, more talented, more prepared, more successful and you will become more like them.  Never forget, the reverse is also true!

You must make these choices.  You have no choice but to make these choices!  As long as you are living, you will make these choices.  Why not make the right choices?

Heed this advice from one of the most successful people of our time… or maybe any time.  Following Warren Buffett’s advice could and will make a huge positive impact on your personal and professional life.

Hang out with people who are better than you… There is no question that by doing so, you move yourself up!

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About the author

Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Be An Inspirational Leader: Engage, Inspire, Empower, and Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums. He regularly writes and speaks on leadership excellence and achieving greater success, and is available to deliver keynotes, lead workshops, or facilitate discussions for your group. LEARN MORE

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